The banner saga baby dredge scene
The banner saga baby dredge scene

the banner saga baby dredge scene

Overall I really loved the game, although I wasn't a huge fan of losing characters you've poured a decent amount of development into on a bad multiple choice selection.

  • Don't quite remember the size of my caravan but I was hurting pretty bad towards the end.
  • Towards the end my main lineup usually at least Rook, Alette, Iver, female archer (see previous), the mender, and Oddleif.
  • I trained the women to fight and had the girl who was a natural join me (can't recall her name).
  • I lost a handful of other characters as well though I don't exactly remember how like Sigbjorn and Eirik, never used them all that much.
  • Onef turned on me and he stabbed Oddleif I thought I lost her at that point which would have really sucked because I devoted a ton of reknown towards her.
  • the banner saga baby dredge scene

    I randomly lost Egil sometime during one of the interactive choices, don't remember when.I lost Yrsa which also bothered me, I wanted to explore her storyline more.I lost the green bodyguard when he fell down the cliff I was pretty pissed at this moment, he was a mainstay in my lineup.

    the banner saga baby dredge scene

    I blew up the bridge after exhausting all other options and holding off the Dredge though several battles.I left the baby dredge with his/her/it's mother.Rescued the frozen girl but don't recall much coming from that, no playable character at least.Rescued the twins but never used them all that much.

    The banner saga baby dredge scene